1. Purchase a premium membership (if you don't have one yet) here
2. Create an account on our website once you've purchased a premium membership. Make sure to use the same email that you purchased your membership with. You can create an account here

3. Once you click on & confirm your email, you will be able to access our membership portal & pages! Go back to our home page ( and then click on "Members" at the top or click here. On the log in page, you will need to enter the email and password you used to create your acount.

4. Once you're logged in - the Members page comes up. Here you can view other members & connect. To view upcoming events, announcements, & more - click on the top right corner arrow by the profile icon. Then click on the link "Members Portal" and then scroll down once that page loads to view our events + more!

5. From the members portal, you can see all of our upcoming events and more. This is the only link you need to be able to participate. If you have any questions, please email us at!
What if i forgot my email or password?
Forgotten password: Click here and then click on "Log In." Click on "Log In" and then at the bottom of the box that pops up click on "Forgot password?" Enter the email you used for your account and then "Reset password" - you should then check your email for a "Reset password" email. You may need to check your spam folder. Once you receive an email, reset your password and then log in like normal.
Forgotten email: If you forgot the email you used, instead of creating a new account make sure to email us at and we can look up the email we have on file. If you do create a new account, you will need to let us know so we can approve it. All emails must match what we have on file from our premium memberships.
All events are on our "Members" or "Members Portal" page once you are logged into your account. You can see the date/address for each event. We also send out weekly/monthly newsletters. We post event reminders in our group chats on WhatsApp & Instagram. For any questions, email
For other questions, tech help, etc please email us at with your issue and we will do our best to help you navigate the website or answer your question! If you are not receiving our emails, you may need to check your spam folder and check with us to ensure we have the correct email on file!
Video tutorial to find our events as a paid member